Monday, 1 August 2011


I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I have to admit I had a lazy weekend - layed on the beach, watched my son play in the lake, admired the sky and the clouds, enjoyed the sounds of the wind in the trees....sigh... 

I didn't really get out to take pictures, so I decided to go through my nature pictures folder and pick some to share on the blog.  These pictures were taking in the past 2 years, in all seasons, in trails near my home.  I need to go back in those trails and take more pictures, make more discoveries, and enjoy the sounds and the smells I love so much. 

Have a great week!  Hugs!


  1. Love 'em! Especially the second and third ones! Nice bright colors on the trees!

  2. beautiful photos Nathalie ! Life is wonderful to be able to see all of this :)


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